Mattia Menchetti is a graduate student in biology... ...Italy. He specializes in the study of the social wasp (Polistes dominula). This study is not one of mer... art. Menchetti says that the cellular nests of wasps are natural wonders. All they need to gain human... ...uman notice is a bit of flair. So... tarantula hawk is neither a tarantula nor a ha... ...tula nor a hawk. It’s a really scary Pepsis wasp . It can grow really large and has an extremely pa... ...k in these situations."[2] In terms of scale, the wasp 's sting is rated near the top of the Schmidt stin... ...South America alone. Redditor... this a world record? I don't even want to know!... ...after calls from neighbors. Inside, they found a wasp nest that almost filled a room!Experts have exami... ...21'9” in length, and say the common type of wasp found in gardens would never normally build a nes... ...ze.They believe it must be an in... Oregon State University En... ...o make a meal out of a tiny parasitic wasp , but never quite got to it,” said George Po... ...storical Biology. “This was a male wasp that suddenly found itself trapped in a... ...ider web,” Poinar said. “This was the... THOSE are some horns! Alex Wil... ...some horns! Alex Wild of Myrmecos blog found this wasp with some serious antennae in Australia... ! Scientists have discovered that Polistes... ...discovered that Polistes fuscatus paper wasps can recognize and remember each other's faces... ...Sheehan explains why this may be important to wasps : The unique, distinct faces of P... ...T... who make toys, dollhouses, or other miniatu... ...Certain laws of biology apply, too, but the fairy wasp seems to do an end-run around some of those rules... ...scow State University, who has studied these tiny wasps for years. Polilov found that M.mymaripenne has..., with a hundred times fewer... are raising an army of zombie wasp queens to do their bidding, and it's a good thing... ...ver the world by now! The parasites cause common wasps to believe that they are queens, rejecting their... ...normal caste and acting as self serving loners in wasp society:... ants is hard and dangerous work for wasps , so they've developed a rather clever method of g... ...ants are able to hold their own by rushing at the wasps , spraying them with acid and biting them," G... ...d. "But the most amazing was to observe that wasps ,... figs really full of baby wasps ? It sounds like an urban legend, so the answer ma... urban legend, so the answer may surprise you. Wasps burrow into figs to lay their eggs. While these... figs quite yet. Those little insects are fig wasps , and they play an e...