There's no mistaking who's face is glowing in the dark on this Jack-o-lantern, unless you've never heard of Breaking Bad. Heisenberg is an ominous sight on a dark night! This pumpkin by Ed Seymour is one of 25 Cool Hallo... year, it seems just about everyone will be Mi... ...seems just about everyone will be Miley Cyrus or Walter White . For those inclined to do the later, you might wa... more... The ad was bought by the Facebook group “Unofficial Breaking Bad Fan Tour.” Albuquerque high school science teacher David Layman placed the ad. Layman is a big fan of Breaking Bad and was on the...[] (YouTube link)It's just too tempting to put the most badass character on cable TV into the most badass show on premium cable. So Jeff Wysaski did just that. Heisenberg can hold his own just... The Chemistry by Baznet T... ...The soul? There's nothing but chemistry here, and Walter wants YOU to respect the chemistry. You'll find t... of contestants showed up for a Walter White Lookalike Contest in Albuquerque.Last week dozens... ...He was Bryan Cranston, who portrays the character Walter White on the TV series Breaking Bad, and was not a cont... member Trevor Grove is a fan of the TV...! Grove made these three 12" custom figures of Walter White and gave them to Vince Gilligan, the creator of t... Coffee made these adorable Breaking Bad plush... ...hese adorable Breaking Bad plushes, including two Walter Whites Bad fans, there's only one episode left, so before we know what will happen in the end, it's fun to consider what will happen to everyone. I for one was particularly curious about what could happen to Skyler and... of all infographics are made by companies... all the rules one must follow while working in Walter White 's meth lab in Breaking Bad. The chart is so perfe...