(Photo: Hansueli Krapf)That bubble of water is Strokkur, a geyser in the West Fjords of Iceland, just as it erupts. The name translates into English as "churn." Every three to seven minutes, it shoots water 98 feet into...
Perfectly Timed Photo Shows a Geyser Right as It Erupts...
This Lake Is Made of Lava...
Mount Nyiragongo is an active volcano in the Democratic Republic of the Congo. We’ve previously posted photos of this amazingly beautiful but dangerous place. This one was snapped by Cai Tjeenk Willink, an executiv...
Lightning Strike during Volcanic Eruption...
Begin planetary evacuation immediately. This is not a drill. Proceed to your designated evacuation points and await dropship liftoff. At least, that's how I'm responding to this scene shot by Martin Rietze at the Sakuraj...
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