Photo: Zhang et al./Science Some... ...ang et al./Science Some strains of the flu virus , like the H5N1 bird flu virus , are highly lethal but aren't easily tr... ...e two are mixed to create a new, hybrid virus that is both highly lethal and... immune system usually fights the virus , but sometimes, a sneaky virus turn the tables against the host and us... ...d CRISPRs, which protect them against viruses . When a bacterium is attacked by a virus... is big news: scientists reported th... ...But to her astonishment, tests couldn't find any virus . "My first thought was, 'Oh, my goo... ...DNA and RNA, but no evidence that the virus is actively replicating in the child's...[] (YouTube link)Resear... ...t Houston (UT Health) Medical School observed how viruses infect cells and made this animation to illustrat... ...tion to illustrate the process. Here you see a T7 virus invading an E.coli bacterium. Oh yeah, it's flu s... vigilante hackers like Anonymous tamed the... ...ainst software piracy. Their weapon: the first PC virus . Twenty-five years ago, students at the Univer... ...d flu -it was the world's first personal computer virus . Known as Brain, the bug destroyed memory, slowed... ...rates straight, but, as the... you snort a plasma lamp to... trippy to you but they're downright deadly to viruses . According to scientists, cold plasma (bas... of ionized gas) can actually prevent viruses from replicating: Dr Julia Zimme... ...lasma for 240 seconds,... Megavirus chilensis, a virus so big that it's actually larger than s... cells" that would produce new viruses steroid squalamine, found in dogfish sharks, h... ...found in dogfish sharks, has been found to fight viruses that are difficult or impossible to treat once tr... ...ations of squalamine before introducing dengue virus . At the highest concentration of the chemical, n... prevent replication of... that zombies are just fict... ...erpillars, it isn't: there's actually a virus that can turn healthy caterpillars into zombies.... ...ating as researchers found that all the virus had to do is modify a single gene in the caterpil... ...llars infected with a baculovirus̵... you spend your days writing Trojan code or sen... ...inalizes the creation or distribution of computer virus was finally enacted last Friday by Japan’s parl...