Archer the fox not only has a cool name for a fox, he also has the coolest and most hilarious laugh I've ever heard come out of a fox's maw.And every time his human starts cracking up Archer literally hits the floor laug... troopers are created in a cookie cutter way for a reason- they must live up to Sith standards and need to be physically able to crush insurrections in the name of the Empire.Usually the clone creation process goes... Chewie: all he had was his bandolier!He should have taken Jabba's approach. Clothes are an unnecessary distraction. You only need clothes when someone is going to give you a medal, but that clearly isn't happening.-... the beginning, he was awed by the meaning and the power of the Force. He used it carefully and reverently.Then, about 5 years after completing his training, Max Goodrich, without realizing it, began taking his powers... a mere 6 seconds, from unboxing to completion,... ...e instructions are broken down into steps as this Vine does.-via Tastefully Offensive It’s the morning. You have to get up. You don’t want to. None of us want to. But we all have to.Have you ever slept through an alarm clock going off? One common solution is to set a second alarm clock fu... Rind of ABC News awards that title to this g... ...ence: hope, victory, hubris, and defeat.When this Vine 2011, photographer Jeff Molyneaux recorded two... ...cubs roughhousing at Yosemite National Park. This Vine is a clip from a longer video.We must maximize th...[] (YouTube link)How m... ...e project, Cody the Payne rounded up 59 different Vine users, who each contributed a six-second clip of... one year ago, when Matt King and his... ...le lip syncing to a Beyoncé song. He had a Vine account. He thought the video was stupid, but his... ...d him to post it anyway. He did. It was the first Vine Matt had ever posted. What a difference a year an... ...strange digital world. Matt now...