There is something deviously enjoyable about watch... .... When those adults are getting scared silly by a video game, it is even better. A medium initially creat... ...n at where it might go.Buzzfeed put together this video of people playing the point-and-click horror game... you have not watched Last Week Tonight with comedian John Oliver on HBO, I can tell you that you're missing something magical. To say the man is brilliant is to still sell him short. A wonderful summary of just how br... am sorry to say this, but Saturday Night Live is in kind of a slump right now. They are still easing us into the new cast and it has not been the sweetest or smoothest transition for them. So what does SNL do when the... sure if you have checked out the Gritty Reboots YouTube page, but it is exactly what the name implies. They take cute and cartoonish things and give them, um, well, gritty reboots. While I found all of them hilarious... should be widely known (and isn't) that DC Animated make the best comic book movies. I am not even saying best "animated" comic book movies. I am saying best comic book movies, period. From Batman: Year One to Superma... you think of "metal" music, you imagine it playing in some crowded arena or pumping into someone's headphones while they work out. What you don't imagine is someone shredding amazing riffs while getting some dental... you know that adding eye contact to certain actions can make them incredibly creepy? I had suspected as much, as I like to stare people in the eyes at weird times. An unbroken gaze can be really freaky as is, but add... know what you NEVER see on the internet? Videos and pics of cats doing cute things. I wish I coul..., I need to invent one. In all seriousness, cat videos and cat pics are the fodder that keeps the intern... ...ole of the internet you go, there is a cat pic or video...[](YouT... ...eeze with your eyes open?D News put together this video explaining why you can, indeed, sneeze without bl...[](YouTube Link)I love the horror genre of movies, as a great many people do around this time of year. A little pre-Halloween scare can be good for the soul, and gets you ready...