Now we know where Professor X is from, and what sweet ride he has! Redditor funboixero spotted this car in Houston. He saw the driver exit the parking lot in a wheelchair, but hasn’t yet mentioned whether he was ba... funny as this is, it proves what I've always said: every editor needs a proofreader. Link -via Ed Yong (Image credit: Michelle N Meyer)... enginesoftime saw this vanity plate on a Tesla Roadster and snapped a picture.... ...spelled with a "c" made me wonder how many other vanity plates on Tesla cars refer to the original Nikola Tesla.... ...the original Nikola Tesla. This roundup of Tesla vanity plates... homes strive to do their job with sympath... ...eir ride, which can mean getting an "appropriate" vanity plate. Shiny Plates has a collection of these morbid but imaginative... ...on of these morbid but imaginative hearse license plates