For most horror movie fans, one of two movie monst... ...of two movie monsters will always reign supreme - vampires and zombies. Fortunately for those who just can't... you really love feeling terrified on Halloween or you secretly believe you're a vampire and just need the right environment to live the life you've always dreamed of, Airbnb has you covered this Halloween. That's...[](YouTube Link)Suckablood is a short film that plays out like a fairy tale crossed with an "old wive's tale" as if it were imagined by Stephen King and Tim Burton. Remember how...'s not easy being a vampire because people can treat you cruelly. But as Chris Hallbeck points out, you must have a trusting relationship with at least one person: your barber.You also have to shave carefully. The mirr... are supposedly vulnerable to a few human conditio... ...drunk person’s blood?Surely there are some vampires out there who claim they get drunk from feeding o... Jason Rogers)Now's your chance to buy a stake in Dracula's castle! Bran Castle in Romania, which has existed in various forms since the Thirteenth Century, is for sale. Prince Vlad the Impaler (1431-c.1476), the... following is an article from The Annals of Imp... ...n, Mountain View, CaliforniaIt is well known that vampires have a number of super-human powers (Melton 1994)... ...experts, one of the more interesting abilities of vampires is that they can turn into a mist/gas/vapor at wi... ...number of questions ass... now I have to read it. Don't you? That title i... ...’m into alternate history, myself, so Amish Vampires in Space Warn Hitler about the Invasion of Norman... following is an article from The Annals of Imp... ...aper describes intertemporal interactions between vampires and humans based on several types of vampire beha... ...evision series. Our main research question is: If vampires were real and lived among us, would their existen... ...ferential equations to... Ficino (1433-1499) was an Italian philosopher. Toward the end of his life, he published a work entitled Three Books on Life, much of which focused on staying healthy. Do you want to fight aging? Forget about pla...