Tattoo artist Yann Travaille has made a name for himself in the over populated field of tattoo design with his astonishingly refreshing designs normally done with crayons, not tattoo ink. Check out more of his cr... have probably seen the grey, no doubt you have heard of or read about the red. But have you ever heard of a black squirriel? The subgroup is on the rise. If an animal was a meme, this would probably be it. A real... macrostoma (common name "barreleyes") can rotate its eyes to a vertical position; because its head is transparent, it can then see predators or prey above itself without moving its body!Two net-caugh... day Barry Snyder is an Erie, Colorado handyman. But in his spare time he is a unique artist who has garnered media attention from across the country. For over 30 years Barry has collected Price Look Up stickers to use...