New York City artist Camomile Hixon added some int... ...saw by hanging one requesting help with a missing unicorn . Actually, friends helped her post 2,000 of the m... ...lly, friends helped her post 2,000 of the missing unicorn posters. “I was travelling back and forth in t... ...hinking about ways to do... haven't used a Norton product for years but this... ...years but this ad featuring Dolph Lundgren vs. a unicorn is definitely chuckle-worthy: Link [embedded YouT... Geek added several new products on April Foo... ...year. The page for one of those products, canned unicorn meat, used the words "the new white meat." The Na... ...licly apologize to the NPB for the confusion over unicorn and pork--and for their awkward extended pause on... ...ded pause on the phone aft..."Neatorama isn’t a political blog," so here's... ...t-shirt depicting president-elect Obama riding a unicorn