The man in this video is not real. He never existe... ...soon as that realization sinks in, you enter the uncanny valley . -via Digg know what gives away CGI every time? I... ...t-no-cigar skin puts CGI faces right smack in the uncanny valley . But not for long: Researchers at the Uni... link) Thirty-two motors under the "skin"... ...into a human you generate a peak of unease - the " uncanny valley principle" - that makes people feel uncomfortable... emotions on her face, we have not crossed the uncanny valley . LinkĀ -via DiscoBlog have studied the curious effect hu... ...The closer the robot is to looking human the more uncanny it is, however robots that don't resemble people... ...e conclusion that robots are creepy. The actual " valley " refers to a precipitous drop in "likeability" a...