Fran Drescher as The Nanny | Image: Sony Pictures... ...n her haunted vagina to Dan Aykroyd's thoughts on UFOs — in this article. Bryan paints lovely pictures, many of them wi... ...k Bryan paints lovely pictures, many of them with UFOs or aliens incorporated into pastoral settings. Th... might not be great at abducting innocent victims or flying away before investigators can make it to the scene, but he just might be the cutest UFO you've ever seen.Link... following is an article from The Annals of Imr... ...mmon in interstellar space. See “Proof that UFOs are Powered by Internal Combustion Engines,&rdquo... a few days, people living in a remote area of Namibia heard strange explosions. Then they found this sphere, which is about 14 inches in diameter, in an impact crater about 12 feet across. What is it for? Who does it... know I just shared a Flickr set of alternative histories with pop culture icons, but Etsy seller Matthew Buchholz has an equally notable art series featuring artwork of historical events reimagined to incorporate monst...