Grant Snider of Incidental Comics shares with us a comic he drew for the Summer/Fall 2016 issue of The Southampton Review. Next time I come down with a case of writer’s block (which is at least twice a week), I&rsq... word you see here is rendered in Conveyor Belt font. If you can’t read what it says, go to the generator page for Conveyor Belt Font. Still can’t read it? Then click the box that says "show belt," and it... you can download free fonts that are the same as those used in your favorite TV shows, movies, and brand names! Write your name, or type long letters, in the manner of a Tim Burton movie, a Kool-Ade pack, a box of Or... is almost here (though from the hot, hot weather, it feels that it's already been here a while), so you know what this means, Neatoramanauts: it's BBQ time! To help us celebrate, Kjetil Wold, Erik Heisholt...'m kind of a font addict, so I love this prin... ...a break, can it? Also cool: the Periodic Table of Typefaces . Link's Lunchtime Quiz at mental_floss is a co... mental_floss is a continuation of the popular TypeFace /Off series in which you identify something by its... video games. Can you recognize them from the typeface , even if the actual words are different? Link again: if you want to be taken seriously, don't use the Comic Sans font in your passive-aggressive notes. Link -via I Met a Possum...'s Lunchtime Quiz at mental_floss continu... ...chtime Quiz at mental_floss continues the popular Typeface /Off series with more brands and products you shou... week's quiz on movie poster fonts was a l... ...hat. Try to guess the TV show (or network) by the typeface used in the title alone. This time, you have a li... Humor link) College Humor brings us the long-awaited sequel to the Font Conference. It's Helvetica vs. Arial with help from their peeps in a fight to the death! -via Geeks Are Sexy...