How Twin Peaks made modern art of the soap opera -and saved netw... ...and Frost sketched the idea for what would become Twin Peaks , an enigmatic murder mystery that surrounded its... ...r the golden age of prime-time dramas. But before Twin Peaks could storm the small screen... to dress up in something as fabulously mys... ...beautiful as David Lynch's television masterpiece Twin Peaks ? Then maybe you could check out the new Twin Peaks fashion line from Suckers Apparel. This dress in... ...n particular is inspired by the famous Welcome to Twin Peaks... Link) Using the motion graphics style... ...w seems to have given some of the characters from Twin Peaks a slightly different feel: the Man From Another P... ...s more intense, and Donna is way more weepy. Boy, Twin Peaks Link) Did you know David Lynch made... ...a series of Japanese coffee commercials based on Twin Peaks ? They're very weird, funny and all interconnected...