Check out more Thanksgiving cartoons by Mark Ander... someone you are thankful for. Andertoons has a tutorial to make drawing a turkey easy for you. Link Corrie White shoots beautiful pictu... ...ictures of liquid flowing in liquid. She posted a tutorial on how it's done, from dying the liquid to clean... link) Lauren Luke is a British makeup... ...nk) Lauren Luke is a British makeup artist whose tutorials have almost a half-million subscribers on YouTube... you ever wondered how people create such amazing looking art GIFs, and want to make your own? Master of GIF animation Anthony Holden has shared his secrets for creating amazing GIF artwork with the interwebs, so... to play guitar usually means watching someone else place their fingers in the right spots and attempting to copy, then trying to remember where the heck you're supposed to put them all when it comes time to play... Star Wars Day! As a Star Wars Day gift,... ...ft, Mark Anderson of Andertoons gives you a quick tutorial on how to draw R2D2. Leave one on your refrigerat... you've ever wanted to make your own fantasy... ...r pictured above, then you have to check out this tutorial by Harrison Krix of Volpin Props. He walks you th... can fool your family and co-workers into t... .... How? Just follow the instructions in the latest tutorial cake is chocolate, covered with "sugarpaste" and royal icing. CakeCentral has complete instructions for making it, with illustrated steps. This technique can be adapted to any kind of spherical cake you may need.... up a plain pair of shoes for a special o... ...ou through the process step-by-step, plus a video tutorial . Link -via Laughing Squid