( Video Link)Everyone who chooses to drink a beverage tra... ...at cap- no bottle opener necessary.Here’s a video which demonstrates 21 different ways to open a bo...
https://www.neatorama.com/2014/05/28/Clever-Ways-To-Open-A-Bottle-Without-An-Opener/( Video Link)DIY fanatics like myself consider Adam Savag... ...s, because frequently you can't not. Use that.The video clocks in at a whopping 43 minutes, but if you&rs... ...u only have to watch the first ten minutes of the video
https://www.neatorama.com/2014/05/24/Adam-Savage-Shares-His-10-Commandments-Of-DIY/( Video Link) ( Video Link)Are you tired of playing Wolverine with plas... ...oth how it looks and functions, and the making of video does a really good job of showing how they're mad...
https://www.neatorama.com/2014/05/16/Play-Wolverine-The-Right-Way-DIY-Pneumatic-Claws/( Video Link)When the audience at Coachella 2012 saw a ho... ...oldest tricks in the book you'll appreciate this tutorial video by Joey Shanks of Shanks FX/PBS Digital Studios,...
https://www.neatorama.com/2014/05/16/Make-A-DIY-3D-Hologram-Bring-Elvis-Back-For-Final-Concert/( Video Link)Don’t you hate it when you’re at... ...ed Grant Thompson, aka The King of Random, made a video that shows you how to avoid getting Sprite all ov...
https://www.neatorama.com/2014/01/04/The-Ninja-Way-To-Avoid-Carbonated-Beverage-Fizz-Tastrophies/(YouTube Link) This handy dandy little tutorial video comes to you courtesy of ex-WETA Workshop designe... ...Meh to Me Gusta! in this info packed five minute video , so get out your pencils and drawing pad (or your...