It's important to always practice proper auto safety procedures -even if you already happen to come equipped with your own collision impact protection. Via Pets Lady... Link)Finding a ready and willing sexual partner isn't easy, but when you do, it's sometimes surprisingly wonderful, leaving you with nothing to say but "wow." And this tortoise knows how that feels -and he can't s... it, you have always wanted the chance to get a call from a turtle. Well, that isn't going to happen, but you can at least help someone else achieve these dreams thanks to Turtlecall. No, Turtlecall isn't going to p...[](Video Link)The relaxing water puts this turtle in the mood to dance. Laugh if you like. But we all do this in the shower, right? Just remember that no one wants to see a video... AP)Hofesh, a sea turtle, was caught in a fishing net off the coast of Israel in 2009. Doctors saved his life, but had to amputate his left-side fins, which were badly injured. As a result, Hofesh would probably d..., a meaty burger with a bite. Just kidding. This delicious burger may be a feast for the eyes, but not for your tummy. If you're looking for a tasty treat for your favorite turtle, head over to the Etsy shop of Ka...'s true! Cartoonist Zach Weinersmith points out that some species of turtle can breathe through their cloacas. They can absorb oxygen in air through their lungs and oxygen in water through their cloacas. Physiologist D... Turtles Salt & Pepper ShakersAre you looking for a fu... ...r out of its shell. Fall in love with the Kissing Turtles Salt & Pepper Shakers from the NeatoShop. Thi... know what they say, double your turtle, double your fun. Oh, that's not an expression, well it should be now that this healthy, double-headed turtle baby named Thelma and Louise was just born at the San Antonio Zoo.L... king of the Koopas from Super Mario Bros. is simply too cute to attack now. Jennifer Olivarez describes the costume she crocheted:For Make It! Challenge #5, Lisa Egolf challenged me to crochet a sweater for her turtl...