John Atkinson at Wrong Hands hands out the BS with his latest comic. The level of plausibility for the five weird "facts" is about equivalent, meaning any of them could be true if you remove the punch line. Atkinson says... is the right time to rewatch all your fa... ...and Tom Jones?Check out all kinds of interesting trivia bits about Elvira over at Flavorwire about everyone is familiar wtih Reddit, but what do know about the history of the site itself? You might be surprised about some of the fascinating facts about the site featured in this Daily Dot article. For exampl... via Erik [Flickr])Everyone associates Prince with purple, which only makes sense given how often he wore the color and how one of his most famous songs is Purple Rain, but while he might be associated with purple,... knows that sloths are adorable, but there's a lot more to any creature than its relative level of cuteness and sloths are particularly fascinating critters. For example, did you know that even experts experience...[] (YouTube link)If you're going on a trip this summer, you might think about visiting some of the world's great landmarks. Sure, you've seen them in pictures, but wouldn't you love to say you...[] (YouTube link)You might think that fashion trends are weird now, but our clothing has gone through many cycles of weirdness for various reasons -beauty, comfort, utility, yeah sure, but mos... fans can largely agree that Skittles are delicious, but did you know much more about them beyond that? For example, did you know that they have an amazing PR team that not only posts entertaining tidbits like "Mars... kinds of people wish they could go to space, but the reality is that the experience is awful and damages the bodies of even the healthiest people, which is why an average person will never be able to actually travel... to Trump's wall and anti-immigration policies, Mexico has been in the news a lot lately, but while people have been talking a lot about the country, few people actually know much about it. Thanks to TopTenz, now y...