Trick -or- treating as a kid in a small town, I always knew which hou... ...One old lady would invite us inside to select our treat from a huge table of candy she made. No one gives... of candy she made. No one gives out homemade treats... Link)Halloween haters usually just turn off... ...heir door, but some have a more sinister plan- to trick kids into eating a nasty treat . You may have seen the caramel onion prank that m... ...l soon be Halloween so time to prepare some yummy treats for the neighbourh... Down Here by saqmanThe Halloween season has... ...oween isn't just a holiday for lil pumpkinsJack o Treat by Vincent TrinidadIt's the one time a year when... ...And looking for the perfect costume to wear while trick -or- treatingSam II by Chip SkeltonOur obsession with H... idea behind “ trick or treat ” is the implied threat of playing tricks on a homeowner if the treats aren’t given. That’s extortion, but i... Neatorama) has a better technique, the “ *strong class="... Droid by DjkopetHalloween is right around... LinesXOfXFuryAnd prepare for the onslaught of trick -or- treaters about to bang down their doorTrick Or Treat by Gilles BoneSome will head to a groovy Hallowee... say death rides a white horse, but we really... is wearing a Halloween costume! If you were trick -or- treating in a rural area where the houses were miles apart... or Die link)It sounds as if Jon Snow is leading the Night’s Watch on a mission, but as his pep talk continues, it begins to remind you of something much more familiar This is not exactly a Halloween special... a summer of watermelon and popsicles, today... ...isn't much about the holiday for them outside of trick -or- treating . But parents worry about that big bag of candy th... habit, and are tempted to confiscate or ration trick -or- treat... Humor has a set of Google Maps-style direc... an empty candy bowl on the porch, since every trick -or- treater will just assume the kids in front of him took al...[] How did Hallowe... ...eing? And when did we start dressing up and going trick and treating anyhow? Today I Found Out's newest YouTube c... ...Today I Found Out on the Origin of Halloween and Trick or Treat...