Cyclist Alison Carrick took wrong turn and accid... ...took wrong turn and accidentally got involved in triathlon - Metro— Triathlon News (@TheTriathlonist) June 9, 2016 Alison Carr... ...rised to be overtaken by riders in the Rossendale Triathlon... and Lucas Aldrich are inseparable brothers. L... Eight-year-old Noah recently entered a youth triathlon , and he took Lucas along. He pulled him on a bicy...'s the gateaway triathlon : 23-year-old Illinois man named Brion Adam Kriss... ...d of a medal, he won (or technically, he lost the triathlon ) handcuffs and incarceration: Link[YouTube Clip] If you thi... ...[YouTube Clip] If you think completing the triathlon is hard, try doing it while juggling th... that sport's Holy Grail: Completing a complete triathlon while juggling. "For a... ...ty." Link *ye... Reinertsen was born with a birth defect called proximal femoral focal deficiency. Her left leg was small, and wouldn't grow with the rest of her body, so it was amputated when she was seven years old. Still, she al...[youtube= ...thons (25 of them the Boston Marathon), 6 Ironman Triathlons (composed of 2.4 mile swim, followed by a 116 mil...