Treehotel in Sweden has just launched its 7th room, which they call the 7th Room. The luxury suite is a 600 square foot living space (two bedrooms, one bath, and a common area) perched 33 feet up in a clump of trees! It... you have a treehouse when you were a kid? Mine was a few boards placed... ...ting in the tree together. Thanks to professional treehouse builders and/or parents with free time, some kids... ..., some kids have more. Much more.This extra large treehouse very closely resembl...'ve all heard stories of New York City stockbrok... friends and contractors, Huntington built the treehouse complex shown here. The group of structures, loca... ...ashington near the Oregon border, consists of two treehouses approximately 200 square feet each; both are equi... ...accomplishments. Kee...[]YouTube LinkThis mas... ...s://]YouTube LinkThis massive treehouse , located in Crossville, Tennessee, is thought to... Beppe Giardino)There are 150 trees built into and around this building!It's as close as you can come to living in an Ewok village in the middle of a city. Luciano Pia designed 25 Verde, an apartment building in T... environmentalist Peter Bahouth designed an... Peter Bahouth designed and built this trio of treehouses , which he named "Mind," "Body" and "Spirit." One... ...of a wooded area on Bahouth's property. Bahouth's treehouses are featured in the book My Cool Shed, which incl... at Neatorama we love treehouses and British design firm Blue Forest's Living the..., it's all about smelling the roses, but bloom... ...antage of the seasonal blooms.On the outside, the treehouse looks like a building from a fairy tale, but on t... the Boy Scouts are in the news a lot these d... ...respect for example. And their new Sustainability Treehouse in the Summit Betchel Reserve of West Virginia re... ...perty) over at Homes and Hues: The Sustainability Treehouse Educates While It Excites following is a Whodunit by Hy Conrad featuring Jonah Bixby, a twelve-year-old crime solver and son of a police detective. Can you solve the crime?Show more...(Image credit: Flickr user Michelle Ress)For Jonah and his...