Those who work in the freezing weather of Antarcti... ...t, they can join an even more exclusive club. The traditional "nudie run" takes a slightly different shape for... ...ations, Davis, Casey and Mawson, take part in the traditional "Bliz Run", which obliges the loser of any bet or... a year, in mountainous Ha Giang province of northern Vietnam, married people can get away and enjoy a couple of days with on old flame -and it's considered okay! The participants gather in the village of Khau Vai on... New Year's Eve, in the cold hinterlands of northern Japan, a pack of hairy scary devils known as Namahage descend from their mountain lairs to terrorize children. They aren't going to eat them though. The Namahage wan...’m not going to lie; my New Year’s E... ...actly your style, here are a few celebrations and traditions to check out.If you’re going to be in Scotl... ...celebrating Hogmanay. One of the major Hogmanay traditions is called “first footing”. Just afte... ...appropriately, as th...