At Alkali Flat, a site near White Sands National M... ...footprint) and the surrounding sediment makes the track visible for a brief time while it dries out,&rdqu... ...David Bustos, used aerial photography to spot the tracks and then selected a few groups for careful excava... ...a few groups for careful exc... African double amputee Oscar Pistorius will... ...the South Africa Olympic committee announced its track team for the Games on Wednesday, Pistorius was in... ...Pistorius will be the first amputee to compete in track at the Olympics, although amputees have competed... right. Which one of you little... ...this? The boulder left a visible track in the Martian regolith big enough to... ...tted by MRO. But just one Martian year later, the tracks are gone, erased from existence.... link) Fast thinking and a little fancy... ...wd pleaser! The title of this video is "How we do track in Hawaii." -via I Am Bored