(Image: NeatoFrog T-shirt)It’s “pad ki... ...ripped up test subjects more often than any other. Tongue twisters are not straightforward. There’s a reason w... ...they confuse the mouth:At least some of the time, tongue twister mix-ups were not one sound or another, bu... ...ah-kop').The scie...
Researchers at MIT Invent the World's Toughest Tongue Twister
Lips of Babel...
(vimeo link) When they get to your language, you will figure out what these lips are doing in this film by Elle Muliarchyk. Link -via Everlasting Blort...
2 True and 2 False Origins of Tongue Twisters And Nursery Rhymes
I don’t know about you guys, but I am fascin... ...new story about the origin of a nursery rhyme or tongue twister, I rush to find out more information beca... ...o excited to share these two cool true stories of tongue twister origins with you, along with a quick expl... ...his story is far more intere...
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