Apparently,the king of Jordan is a huge Star Trek... So he's decided to build his own Star Trek theme park in his own country for a cool price of $1.5..., the entire resort will not be 100% Star Trek- themed ; in an effort to promote tourism to Jordan, there... you talk about Star Tours nowadays, you have to distinguish between the new and improved version that just opened this year and the classic incarnation, which was first launched in 1987. Personally, I haven’t... you love MMORPGs, particularly WOW and Star... ...ertainly have a great time at China's counterfeit theme park based around the epic Blizzard videogames. Y... don’t know about you, but the Jungle Cruis... ...Jones Adventure next door.Differences Between The ParksLike most classic Disneyland rides, the attraction is... ..., the attraction is also featured at other Disney parks , but each has their own tiny variations. Disneyla... ...he cold temperature of th...'m a huge fan of theme parks . I love roller coasters and costumed characters a... ...characters and all that jazz, but there are some parks that are boring and some that are just plain weir... ...I think I could pass on quite a few of these bad parks ...others I want to visi... of where you believe to be the true “... ...g violence at other Southern California amusement parks that doesn't occur as frequently at Disneyland....