Remember the Matrix where all you need to do to learn kung fu is to g... ...It's the kind of thing seen in Hollywood's " Matrix " franchise. Experiments conducted a... The Matrix but wonder where you've seen those action moves b... Link) Matt Mulholland, a vocal artist,... ...ound effects from the lobby shootout scene in The Matrix Link) In this mashup by YouTube user T... ...uTube user ThreeFinchLynch, Morpheus explains the Matrix to the Dude, for he is the One destined to delive... ...e, for he is the One destined to deliver us. The Matrix, movies, TV series and video games are full... ...vulnerable by his ability to read the code of the Matrix , negotiate a truce with the Machines in return fo... ...r to save humankind. His powers extend beyond the Matrix , as by the third film he is able to see everythin... ...ntinued to squeeze the fra... Link) Trevor Boyd and Steve Ilett re... ...ade the slow-moving bullet-dodging scene from The Matrix . Their official website goes into detail about h...