(Image: Augsburger Allgemeine)Do you like to type... ...ge: Augsburger Allgemeine)Do you like to type out text messages on your phone while walking? That's fine... ...ere they would fall into the peripheral vision of texters . The Daily Mail reports on this and other efforts... ...his and other efforts around...
https://www.neatorama.com/2016/04/30/Ground-Level-Traffic-Lights-Warn-People-Who-Text-While-Walking-That-Theres-a-Train-Coming/Deorick Williams got a text message with some great news: Lindsey Lashley's b... ...had no idea who Lindsey was. He had been sent the text message by accident. Nonetheless, he continued th...
https://www.neatorama.com/2016/03/22/Baby-Announcement-Texted-to-Wrong-Number-Guy-Shows-up-with-Presents-Anyway/In the United States, many high school seniors pur... ...plish in high school? Well, yes: sending a lot of text messages. Let's include that option, too.I don't... ...e from, but the ring company Balfour does offer a texting side on its brochure. It's on page 15 between Stu...
https://www.neatorama.com/2015/12/21/Kids-Can-Now-List-Texting-as-a-Class-Ring-Accomplishment/(Image: Amazon)A neurological study found that rea... ...your shortcut to that advantage. YOLO Juliet is a textspeak and emoji-filled retelling of Shakespeare's most...
https://www.neatorama.com/2015/06/25/YOLO-Juliet-Shakespeare-Translated-into-Textspeak/Photographer Eric J. Smith snapped this shot near... ...edondo Beach, California. A man on a sailboat was texting while a humpback whale surfaced. He never noticed... ...and never moved," Smith said. "He could have been texting his mom in the hospital for all I know, but I tho...
https://www.neatorama.com/2015/02/04/Man-Too-Busy-Texting-to-Notice-Whale-Surfacing-Right-Next-to-Him/Diana McCallum and Andrew Ivimey write Texts from Superheroes, a funny blog consisting of scre... ...heroes, a funny blog consisting of screenshots of text messages between superheroes. It's the Christmas...
https://www.neatorama.com/2014/12/25/Superheroes-Texting-about-Christmas/(Shakespeare Insult Wallet now on sale at the Neat... ...n. He has the seller's phone number, so Joseph is texting him the complete works of Shakespeare.Joseph has... ...lete works of Shakespeare.Joseph has an unlimited texting plan, so it doesn't cost him anything. He simply... ...mply copies an entire play,...
https://www.neatorama.com/2014/03/20/Man-Gets-Revenge-on-Deadbeat-Internet-Seller-by-Texting-Him-the-Complete-Works-of-William-Shakespeare/Cristina Vanko calls her project "Modern Day Snail... ...using that pen. So, for seven days, she sent them text messages with it. She wrote out her texts , photographed them, then used the images to commu... ...ersonality shined through so well that one friend texted back "it...
https://www.neatorama.com/2013/09/28/Artist-Uses-Calligraphy-in-Handwritten-Text-Messages/Awkward autocorrections and wrong recipients are n... ...them! Why aren't they saving the world? The blog Texts from Superheroes shows us that they're too busy texting each other.Link -via Nerd Approved
https://www.neatorama.com/2013/04/24/Texts-from-Superheroes/If there's one problem with modern life, it's that... ...uch with people. For example, if you want to read text messages from someone, you have to look at your p... ...hone. But what if that problem went away? What if text messages sent to you popped directly in front of... ...show images such as road directi...