Your baby hasn’t been born yet, but he alrea... ...a phone. Morgan Shanahan of BuzzFeed composed 17 text messages that unborn babies would send if they could. From...
17 Texts from inside Your Womb
Designer Lines His Wedding Jacket with All the Texts He and His Wife Sent Each Other While Dating
Nick Reeve, a graphic designer, got married in May... ...3 years ago. They've spent a lot of time sending text messages back and forth. In reflection of their long court... ...into his wedding jacket. He typeset all of their messages into 9 point font with special selected moments i... ...oint font with speci...
Pakistan Bans "Monkey Crotch" and Other Offensive Words in Text Messages
Texting is safe again: gone are offending words... ...latulence" from ever invading your text messages , at least in Pakistan. The guardians of l...
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