Can you tell the difference between an alligator a... ...above is a llama or an alpaca? This Buzzfeed quiz tests your animal knowledge by asking you to do exactly... Nonacs, professor of biology at UCLA, teaches Game Theory in his Behavioral Ecology course. He told his students that for an upcoming exam, they could do anything that would normally be considered cheating:A week b... Peter Fröhlich of Johns Hopkins University grades exams so that the highest scoring exam receives a 100% grade and all others fall below on a curve. It wasn't a Kobayashi Maru scenario, but his exams are hard. F... Cowen is a professor of economics at George Mason University and general Renaissance man (seriously, read his blog--he's interested in everything). Alex Tabarrok, also a professor at GMU, shares this fascinating st..., so some of your friends (or maybe you) have flunked a grade at some point or took a little longer than you planned with college but ... 44 years? Vegetable stand or no, it is hard to imagine being so busy with work t... teacher who could no longer afford to print... ...acher who could no longer afford to print out the tests for his classes has taken to selling ads on his s... ...classes has taken to selling ads on his students' tests . The current pricing is $10 per quiz, $20 per tes...