Today, the web is laughing at a set of extra credit questions attributed to an unknown statistics professor.* This one at the top is my favorite. Almost certainly some anxious student is going to jump on his desk and yel..., the daughter of Jenn Morrison Douglas, had... an unusual word problem on a fourth grade math test . In it, four boys and four girls all took turns d... ...'s x-boyfriend.She's right. If this was an ethics test Davis is a fan of the singer Beyoncé.... ...or the moment, she has a boyfriend. She wanted to test whether that latter status would remain. To verif... ...s of her boyfriend, she gave him a formal written test on popular music. To avoid getting dumped, he had... 500 students were expelled from high school i... ...n their class ten board exams. The results of the tests determine high school graduation and are often al... ...mbers outside the windows, ready to pass notes to test -takers. Education minister PK Shahi says it is im... ...arrested for helping their ch... little quiz from Us vs Th3m, the folks who made the grammar nazi quiz, aims to measure your geekiness. The questions are all tech, no fandom. You are supposed to honestly answer the first thought you have at seeing... Test Screen GlassesAre you ready to calibrate how you... ...brate how you are viewed? Accessorize with the TV Test Screen Glasses from the NeatoShop. This fantastic... ...air of party glasses looks like the color bars TV test have been looking for a formula for rom... ...zine Science and Invention published a scientific test to determine the probability of marital happiness... ...of marital happiness for couples. There were four tests , including the Nervous Disorder Test : According to Ger... Oxford Dictionaries offers a spelling test you can take online. Words are pronounced for you...! If you're gonna peek at someone else's answers, make sure the numbers line up. Or better yet, study a little and get your own grades. Link... link) Here is a Disney Studios refer... ...uTube link) Here is a Disney Studios reference test film synched with the finished scene from the 195...