Several months ago, residents of a neighborhood in Chevy Chase, Maryland discovered that an old fashioned pay phone had appeared on a quiet residential street. But the classic Bell design was labeled "Jokes". The instruc... E. Karlin died two weeks ago at the age of 94. He was a pioneer in the field of using psychology in product design. Specifically, he was responsible for devising many elements of the telephone:Telephone company exec... remain on the line. Your call is important to us.Annoyed yet?That's just a fraction of the 43 days the average person will spend on hold with automated customer service in one lifetime, according to a survey condu... Link) Kids these days with their telephones and their artificial intelligences...they're just... voice acting work is performed for commercials or cartoons that are only on for a short while, but some actors are hired to voice recordings that we hear all the time. For example, the woman above is named Jane Barb... would love to have this in my home! Adam Ben-Dror took a classic candlestick-style phone and made it cordless. It's completely functional, thanks to parts that he acquired from a company that specializes in restori... would have marked the 163rd birthday of Alexander Graham Bell, were he still alive. While his invention of the telephone has always been subject to controversy, there is no denying that the man was quite a geni... may like land line phones and going out to Blockbuster video to browse down their aisles, but by the time your great grandkids are old enough to start to figure out the world, there will be plenty of things that will...