Neatorama Posts Tagged "telegraph"
Steamship Telegraph Watch

Steamship Telegraph Watch - $35.95 Stop being late. Plot a course an...  ...eed full steam ahead with the fantastic Steamship Telegraph Watch from the Neatoshop. This wonderful time pie...
The Optical Telegraph

Long-distance communication at a relatively high s...  ...ges) came about with the invention of the optical telegraph in France, fifty years before the electrical telegraph . The optical telegraph network consisted of a chain of towers, each plac...  ...1,380 kilometres an...
1890 Text Messages...

One hundred years before the popularity of cel...  ...ones, “text messages” were popular with bored telegraph operators who would message their counterparts on...  ...omeone thousands of miles away in the year 1890. Telegraph operators on opposite sides of the country had so...
Tweeting with a Telegraph

(Video Link) Joe McKay made the Tweetagraph -...  ...Kay made the Tweetagraph -- a machine that uses a telegraph key to sent tweets. An arduino converts the taps...  .../art/tweetagraph.html via Make Previously: RSS Telegraph
NeatoShop Products Tagged "telegraph"
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