Seventeen-year-old Ashiq Gavai of Buldhana, India,... ...oma, a tumor in the part of the jaw that produces teeth .Ashiq was diagnosed with a condition called compo... ...known to affect the upper jaw and a maximum of 25 teeth have been extracted from the tumour. But in Ashiq... ...eep in the lower jaw and we... creepy shoes are an sculpture project by art... ...Fantich and Young called Apex Predator. They used teeth from dentures to add a creepy sole to shoes. The...’ve been told all our lives to use dental... ...ur lives to use dental floss to clean between our teeth . Some of us do it and some don’t, but how m... adults were randomised either to brush their teeth as usual or to floss in addition.They weren&rsquo... ...tion in the risk of gingiviti... The New England Journal of Medicine... ...urnal of Medicine Doctors have removed teeth from the brain of a 4-month-old infant. In what i... ...believed to be the first in medical history, the teeth are formed as a result of a rare type of brain tu... ...tumor. "It's not every d... happens every time you eat popcorn! Don't tel... ...d and steak, and a lot of other foods. I guess my teeth are spaced a bit funny. If nothing else, the expe... Hunter buys and sells used dental equipment... ...Ebay for $110.When a person has lost all of their teeth , for one reason or another, they may not want to... ...t $700-800 can make the difference between having teeth and not having teeth yes, that is a tube of toothpaste with an eggp... I want my mouth to smell like after I brush my teeth is a sea creature. teeth ? Who doesn't? Etsy seller ConcaveOblivion cr...[](Video... ...anders pulled out at least one and possibly three teeth .Last Saturday, Florida Panthers player Krys Barch... ...enalty box. While there, he pulled out one of his teeth and threw it to a fan. That could earn the fan a...! Put the bite back to your Jack O' Lan... ...your Jack O' Lantern with these pumpkin teeth ! They're a set of 16 plastic teeth (in various styles: Glow-in-the-Dark Bu... ...n various styles: Glow-in-the-Dark Buck Teeth , Glow-in-the-Dark...