The following is an article from The Annals of Imp... ...n among clinicians led to extraction of the wrong teeth . This can be avoided by greater caution on the pa... following is an article from The Annals of Imp... ...ts of the bitemarks in the cheese and also of the teeth of three suspects. The cheese specimen was retain... ...times;40×20 mm) with their 6 upper anterior teeth , were digitized.... The descriptive statistical d... ...spect....It was concluded fr... following is an article from The Annals of Imp... Marc Abrahams, Improbable Research staffFrench teeth are something of a specialty for the president of... ...monographs on the subject.A Large Man Who Yanked TeethHis study called “Pulling Teeth in Eighteenth-... Methot (Image credit: Flickr user 5of7)Someth... ...o;ve seen. Some have attended injuries way beyond teeth , because they were there and ready when other med..., they did this to advance human knowled... ...ade their saw blade mostly because a saw of shark teeth would be totally awesome.But awesomeness alone do... ...y claimed to be studying the means by which shark teeth cut:Shark teeth both pierce and cut their prey, whi... of us get surprisingly little education about... ...urprisingly little education about caring for our teeth . Our parents teach us to brush, and if we are luc... acidic beverages, but not after brushing your teeth ? And there’s more.4.) Floss More, Brush Les... ...its actually a lot easier t... St. Louis Post-Dispatch)When humans began... way to learn more would be to examine the baby teeth of children. Atomic testing resumed in the United... at the age of 7. So if scientists studied baby teeth dropped in 1958, they might be able to trace the... ...h Survey--a scientific study of... by Rembrandt Peale)As he aged, George Wa... ...)As he aged, George Washington gradually lost his teeth . Throughout his life, he consulted a variety of d... ...s to surrender at Yorktown.Washington’s bad teeth helped the Americans win that battle at Yorktown.... had a terrific fear of dental work up until my m... .... Doctors, or more likely, barbers, pulled rotten teeth .It wasn’t until the 18th century that the s... ...s worked to find new ways of treating problematic teeth . But the methods themselves were often excruciati... Dr. Hamed O. Al Dhafeeri, et al.)A 22-year... ...grown inside his nose!Sometimes people grow extra teeth , such as the teenager in India who had 232 of the...