Assuming that you can get to 88 MPH in New York Ci..., Mike Lubrano converted DeLoreans into working taxis new company called Uber simplifies the process of hailing a cab. Just activate an app on your smartphone, and Uber will send a car to your location. You won't even have to handle any money: Uber calculates the total... Osei started out driving a taxi in New York City when he immigrated to the US about thirty years ago. He has built up that business into a fleet of fifty cars operating day and night. But that's not his only occupa..., concluding that taxi drivers may be a good source of directions for its online mapping service, gathered GPS data from 33,000 cabs in China: Taxi drivers, in general, are far more knowledgeable about the ci... blog The Price of Travel assessed the average... ...The editors observed that, with some exceptions, taxis were almost the same level of automotive quality...