Deviant Art user dustbean11 created a hilarious se... dustbean11 created a hilarious set of Simpsons tarot cards that will certainly lend a comic bent to even the... ...ost dire of readings. So far he's created a dozen cards , so there's definitely room for expansion. And wi...; what else? —... cards for divination goes back to the 14th century, and... ...4th century, and the deck that was later known as tarot cards evolved through both gaming and fortune-telling,... ...ninitiated might think, the meaning of divination cards changes over time, shaped by each er... designer Alex Griendling made these tarot cards inspired by the television show Lost. He wrote a... ...iendling Previously on Neatorama: Hello Kitty Tarot Housewives Tarot Super Punch Tarot Nakisha Elsje VanderHoeven paints anima... ...t often rabbits. Her latest project is The Rabbit Tarot , consisting of 78 images of the classic cards featuring bunnies. She sells decks of them in her... ...ells decks of them in her Etsy shop, along with a Tarot book an...