Sha Yao is an industrial designer in San Francisco... ...ed herself. In response, Yao developed Eatwell, a tableware set designed with the limitations of Alzheimer's... was one heck of a civilization and there's no denying that they had great style. Unfortunately, most of us can't really go buy a real antiquity and the knock offs just look cheap. If you want something with style, c... you can't actually eat your knife and fork o... ...knife and fork once you've finished supper, this tableware set will break down over time. Qiyun Deng, a desi... trouble sticking to a diet? This clever dinnerware set by Fajar Kurnia, Jeremy Chia and Jo Djauhari can help. Just cut your meal portions in half--literally.Link -via Foodbeast... by Lucky Luke, a Belgian comic book serie... set in the American Old West, James Stoklund's tableware set is ready to serve amusement along with food....