It was just last night that I noticed that no Olym... neoprene suits after the 2008 Olympics. The swimsuit company Speedo took that as a challenge. At Aqua... ...crazier the idea, the better. The result is the swimsuit you see Michael Phelps wearing here. Read about h... you are the Jaws type or The Little Me... ...The Little Mermaid type, you'll love this clever swimsuit that features both! http://shop.blackmilkclothing... 1976, the late Farrah Fawcett posed for photogr... ...on of American culture during the 1970s. The red swimsuit that she wore for that photo shoot has been donat... women in bikinis do not usually bring to... ...ou to think about when it released its first ever swimsuit edition:The 26-year-old northern Canadian magazin... ...nadian magazine, Up Here, has published its first swimsuit issue to draw attention to climate change.Its lat... latest edition, o... has always been my habit to give an idea &ndas... ...ried about the way an inflated top of a two-piece swimsuit would likely ride up around the neck while swimmi... pool, as air pumps. Naturally, an inflatable swimsuit would be cause for snickering and derisive laught... ...The style choices for a... Dry Swim has produced a swimsuit made of nanomaterials that repel water, so it nev...