Graphic designer Khoa Ho's minimalist illustration... ...s and inner conflicts of your favorite comic book superheroes . See Superman , Spider-Man, Wolverine, and more in his series ca... ...der-Man, Wolverine, and more in his series called Superheroes - Past/Present. Link -... new Superman film is guaranteed to be a marketing boon -both f... ...lightest bit of research into what the particular superhero being portrayed is all about. Others are repackag... ...ed is all about. Others are repackaged comic book heroes with different names. Check o...'s the modern super hero shirt was spotted at a mall in India. The small print says "Man behind brief and mask!!" Yes, I know you want one, but DC Comics would never authorize this because they'd just as soon see you buy two shirts. Link... Humor posted a "choose your own adventure" type game will tell you what secret powers you have inside you. Be warned that not all results are "good guys!" Link... your favorite comic book superhero was a popsicle, what flavor would it be?Dutch art... ...Chungkong) took that idea and made art out of it. Superhero link) You can look at this two ways. O... ...Brown are taking all the fun out of a comic book superhero week we told you about Batman being pulled ov... ...s 5 to 6 pounds in water weight when he wears the superhero uniform. He paid $5,000 for it. He spends $25,000... ...ard about his car and his cape, Batman was put on superhero speed dial for children’s causes around the reg... Sarah Johnson illustrates Batman doing... ...t Sarah Johnson illustrates Batman doing what the super hero does when he's not out fighting evil and protecti...'s a minifig! It's a superhero ! It's portable data storage! Actually, it's all o... ...oks like the Golden Age version of the comic book superhero