Kevin Parry is a master of stop-motion animation . We've shared his work extensively and all is wor... recreated the @netflix intro with $30 worth of... ...nbparry) April 21, 2022 Kevin Parry, a master of stop motion animation , set a challenge for himself: to remake the anima... ...ut in order to create the grainy visual effect of stop motion animation .As the N moves all the way up, he switches the fr... you enjoy watching stop motion films and animated features then you're probably... ...lready a fan of their films.However, if you're an animation fan who hasn't seen Coraline, ParaNorman, The Box... ...of their artists, and how 3D technology has saved *strong class="mat... hand-drawn 2D animation is a laborious process that involves drawing and... Jackson's chimpanzee Bubbles was undeniabl... ...job, bringing us the story of Bubbles in glorious stop motion style: A baby chimp is adopted by pop star Micha... Link)If you’re as sick of Frozen mania as I am then the prospect of an alien critter running amok in Elsa’s frozen wastes probably sounds like a good thing.However, if you’re still stuck on Froze...[]YouTube LinkBrick Ner... ...kBrick Nerd presents brick Batman and Superman in stop - motion animated brawl. Yet Batman is having a bit of tro... is (arguably) the most innovative animation studio in the world, and not just because they&rs... ...o;re one of the only companies that specialize in stop motion feature filmmaking.They’ve come up with cut... ...printing, and other digital techniques, into the... ronin rabbit Usagi Yojimbo was created by Stan Sakai in 1984, at the height of the anthropomorphic comic book character craze, but Usagi has always been a bit different than the other critter comic stars.His tales we... motion animators employ many different techniques, mater... ...t animator and director Mikey Please of Parabella Animation Studio used a rarely utilized material to create...