Some animal species get more press than others, bu... ...l kingdom. For example, you've heard of the giant squid ? Its cousin, the colossal squid , is even more astounding. Colossal squids are found in the oceans around Antarctica, and we... ...ts life in the deepest parts... squid have appeared in massive numbers off the coast of... ...y don't give you much of a fight." He said the squid were "trying to crawl around and blow ink all ove... ...unds, but a few fishermen have reeled in 60-pound squid . The Humboldt *strong class="match... winners of the 2009 Olympus BioScapes Photo Di... ...res, Rochester Institute of Technology, New York. Squid embryo - by Rachel Fink, Mount Holyoke College, M... found the fossil of an ancient squid of the species Belemnotheutis antiquus at a dig n... ...hey used the sample to draw a picture of what the squid may have once looked like! Excavation leader Dr.... ..."The structure is similar to ink from a modern squid so we can... evolution of the eye is fascinating... ...versity of Wisconsin-Madison have discovered that squids can detect light through an organ other... ...quot;Now we show that the E. scolopes squid has additional light-detecting tissue that is an... ...t; The researchers demonstrated t... Love Teuthology, modeled by KatieWho doesn't lov... ...euthology, modeled by KatieWho doesn't love giant squids ? Whether you are fascinated by Kraken, love readi..."Neatorama isn't a cephalopod blog," but... ...halopod blog," but here's a marvelous art of squid art by Skot Olsen, titled "Blessed Saint Arc...'s hard to describe Candice Tripp's art - it's a little dark and macabre but with a touch of gentle humor. This one is titled "The Escape" - and yes, that's a splotch of ink on the girl's head: Link - via Mis... wish a squid could sit on your head all day? Well, here's your...'s your chance. It's even better than a real squid , since it won't make you stink and doesn't feel s... ...s has all the details you need to create your own squid hat. Link