Neatorama Posts Tagged "spoof"
Toadwart's Advanced Guide To Power-Ups...

This visual guide has been released in order to prevent confusion when you discover these magical items in the world of the Mario Bros. Created by Juxtapop, this nicely illustrated guide was inspired by the Harry Potter...
Care Bears In Real Life...

There's something about these Care Bears that's not quite right. Maybe it's the massive fangs, or sharp claws, or the fact that the symbol on the bear's stomach seems to be running. Something tells me these bears don...
Dora The Explorer, All Grown Up...

Every parent who has little kids w...  ...t;Dora The Explorer" for adults, a spoof by Greenstorm Film. The Fiesta Trio wou...  ...Guy See also: Inception Spoof
Pokemon Parody By Creator Of Adventure Time...

(YouTube Link) When Pendleton Ward, creator of...  ...rt to deliver the punchline, a short that happily spoofs Pokemon with tongue-in-cheek reverence. Watch as...
Luke Cage As A White Guy...

(YouTube Link) What happens when a scrawny white guy is cast to play the role of Luke Cage, aka Power Man, in the movie adaptation of the comic book? Well, let's just say that the results are less than spectacular. -...
Consider... Pee-Wee Herman...

Photo link Remember those ads actress Melissa L...  ...g by a pool in a faux-fur coat. The pitch-perfect spoof
Microsoft Redesigns the iPod Packaging...

Can you improve the simple elegance of Apple iPod...  ...d packaging? Yes, said Microsoft. Here's a clever spoof of what a Microsoft-designed iPod package would l...
Double Rainbow Guy Saw a KFC...

Remember the Double Rainbow Guy we had on Neatorama a while back? Here's what would happen if he came across a KFC/Taco Bell fast food joint: Hit play or go to Link [YouTube] - via Cynical-C...
Ironing Man Takes Villains to the Cleaners...

[youtube=][YouTube - Link]Tony Starch is forced against his will to press the clothes for the leader of an evil organization. Using his technical knowledge of dry cleaning techn...
First Monkey to Ever Walk on the Moon Declared Dead...

The History Bluff (motto: "Making a mess of history") brings us another headscratcher with the sad news that the first monkey to ever walk on the moon has passed away. On June 3, 1981 Harlan the Monkey becam...

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