Alluding to the human fertilization process as a s... ...tute set out to make a hyper-accurate film of how sperm fertilizes an egg. They used real data from resea... ...e uncovered something new about the morphology of sperm .By combining insights from Hollywood animation st... ...set out to create a hyper-ac... sperm is very different from anything else in the body.... ...und microscope, and was the first to observe live sperm through it in 1677.Examining his own ejaculate, h... ...1678—thus begetting the brand new field of sperm biology. It’s hard to overstate how... TBIT)Does your semen contain a sufficientl... ...your semen contain a sufficiently large number of sperm cells to make fertilization likely? You may no lo... a sample with a cell phone and get an accurate sperm count. It takes the form of a tiny lens that turn... IFW Dresden)Medical researchers at the Dre... ...gical motor"--a microscopic delivery system.Human sperm cells are very fast, strong, and determined swimm... could be attached to these cells and then the sperm aimed in a particular direction, they could be us... ...into a solution in a Petri di...[] (YouTube link)The ph... TED-Ed presentation comes from the fact that a sperm is a single cell that must move, but cannot do it... Davidb91w was making breakfast yesterday morning when he noticed the scene was looking rather something from his 7th grade biology class, in fact.Link... far would you go to have your husband's baby?... ...inian women are actually breaking their husband's sperm out of Israeli prisons in order to concieve. How... ...sons in order to concieve. How are they smuggling sperm out of a prison where every visitor is subjected... ...exactly tell. They don't want to... a petri dish, sperms become sluggish. Indeed, "poor sperm performance" is a common problem i... ...the polystyrene in the petri dish is toxic to the sperms - so what we do to help the sperms ? Ent... is better, as the winning pictures of real... ...niversity. His video clip, titled " Sperm from two males competing within reprodu... the movies, sperms have been portrayed as swimming elegantly up the... ...f the University of Warwick first saw sperm cells crashing as they negotiated the tight turns... ...ot;I couldn't resist a laugh the first time I saw sperm cells persiste...