Many farms are covered in snow this time of year,... ...s has more snow than most because it's located in South Dakota , so what's a farmer to do during the off season?M... City, South Dakota , has been welcoming U.S. Presidents since 2000. S... ...o new bronze statues (each created by one of four South Dakota sculptors) are added to the downtown tour of pres... most towns around the country $799,000 may get you a decent house. However in the town of Scenic, SD that amount will the entire town. The nine residents of Scenic, S.D., say the 12-acre city, including a saloon... Link) Stormchasers Chad Cowan and Jenna Blum found this beautiful tempest in July. Perhaps you heard about the giant hail stones it produced- one measuring 8" in diameter, and weighing almost two pounds! v...