Christopher Baker analyzed some 60,000 emails th... ...he has sent and received since 1998 to reveal his social network, as represented in an interesting visual... Lount of Ohio State University's Fisher Col... ...he relationship as opposed as early on.Here's the experiment :Lount and his colleagues had college students pla... to be an ex-racistAre you a racist? While mos... ...on, who played out pre-arranged scenarios for the experiment . The scenarios began when the black role-player b... do some people have all the luck while others... ...e monitored their lives and had them take part in experiments . The results reveal that although these people ha... ...reas unlucky people do not.I carried out a simple experiment to discover whether this was due to differences i... ...e halfway through... you survive if you only have $1 a day for fo... ...nted to find out. So the couple, both high school social studies teachers, did a month-long dollar-a-day d... ...dies teachers, did a month-long dollar-a-day diet experiment :When we first started talking about doing this, w... ...interested in many of... McClelland conducted an experiment where she buys only American-made goods. It seems...