Icy pavement makes everyone a breakdancer! Pretty soon, he’s going to break something! Or maybe he’s just the real-life incarnation of the game QWOP. If his hat falls off, people are liable to come by and dro...
The Irresistible Allure of the Nylon Slip
The anonymous blogger and vintage lingerie collect... ...ymous blogger and vintage lingerie collector at A Slip of a Girl tells us all about the history and the... ...d the allure of the comfortable, cool, sexy nylon slip .I’ve always had a strong interest in linger... ...places, you can find beautiful...
Icy Steps...
(YouTube link) There are so many things wrong with this scene. People who live in climates where they might encounter ice occasionally should learn a few commonsense skills. 1. Don't use ice-covered steps if there...
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