Biddy Mason was born into slavery in Georgia. A Mormon family named Smith took her... a move for adults who volunteered to return to slavery . Mason's free friends came to her rescue.To keep... news spread through the rest of the country that the Civil War was over, Confederates in Texas fought on for another six weeks until June 19, 1865, when General Gordon Granger announced in Galveston that slaves wer... was on this day in history, May 22, 1856, that... ...k, as you might have guessed, was the debate over slavery . Would the new state of Kansas be allowed to embr... ...uld the new state of Kansas be allowed to embrace slavery by a popular vote? Massachusetts senator and abol... recently posted the story of the Clotilda, a co... ...enin, his capture and voyage on the Clotilda, the slavery years, and how he built a life in America after t... Tudor dynasty that ruled England from 1485 to... ...plenty of drama, but the peculiar institution of slavery was not one of them. And neither was the populati... might not know it, but the banjo came from Afr... ...the banjo, which is entwined with the history of slavery in the US, from the instrument’s African ro... Smalls was good at what he did, so good that he was eventually faced with a dilemma. He could risk his life -and the lives of his family and crew- in a complicated scheme that could go wrong at any second. Or he c... following article is from Uncle John’s F... .... (Image credit: National Park Service) BORN INTO SLAVERY In the early 1770s an English tailor named Andrew... ...such community in the United States at the time. Slavery was still legal in Pennsylvania, but the state&rs... ...come, as he put it, &ldquo... Rankin at Radical Cartography created a set o... ...phy created a set of maps that show the growth of slavery in the US between 1790 and 1870. The population o... ...aps, you can see the spread and concentrations of slavery move as the country grew, and the growing depende... .... Another map at the site... Jemima, the pancake icon, was the best known of many stereotyped cooks used to sell food products during the Jim Crow era. Her image evolved, but up until 1989, she was obviously a servant and a racist caricature. T...