Images: Royal Collection and Dr.... ...series of meticulous drawings of the skull . Leonardo has cut off the front of the f... ...the tiny little holes that are in the skull ," says Prof Abrahams. "Those a... Skull Door Knocker - $24.95 (sold individually) Ahoy!... release your inner pirate? You need the Pirate Skull Door Knocker from the NeatoShop. This handcrafted... ...ed door knocker is shaped like a deathly pirate's skull . Shiver me timbers! Ye may get your se... Cupcake Cookie Jar - $23.95 Are you looking for... ...our favorite cookies in plain sight? You need the Skull Cupcake Cookie Jar from the NeatoShop. This adora... ...ine! Be sure to check out the NeatoShop for more Skulls the Heilbrunn Timeline of Art History at the Metropolitan Museum of Art, here's a 16th century memento mori rosary carved out of ivory featuring man on one side and skeleton on th... Speaker - $17.95 Are you looking for a portable... scare away small children? You need the black Skull Speaker with light up red eyes from the NeatoShop... Matthew Cohn is an artist, antique collector, blogger, and a buyer for the store Obscura Antiques and Oddities in New York City. He makes art objects from human and animal bones. Read about Cohn's collection and... Skull Shot Glass - $9.95 Don't be doomed to a life of... ...nking out of pedestrian glassware. Get the Doomed Skull Shot Glass from the NeatoShop. This gruesome glas... ...gruesome glass was inspired by the Mayan Crystal Skull of Doom. The Doomed *strong class="ma... of Yorick - $12.95 Have you been dieing to reena... ...e from William Shakespeare's Hamlet? You need the Skull of Yorick from the NeatoShop. This resin skull will save you the trouble and legal ramifications... Lady Abby went to a zombie wedding in f... ...Crafty Lady Abby went to a zombie wedding in full skull makeup. It turned out so well that she posted the... would be the perfect place to show off your skull skills! Link -via Laughing Squid Credit: Maurice Mbikayi South African art... ...African artist Maurice Mbikayi calls his keyboard skulls "anti-social networks" and says that the work "sy... ...other mixed-media artwork on his website and the skulls