On the lake called Lissma Kvarnsjö near Stock... ...Lissma Kvarnsjö near Stockholm, a brave man skates on new ice that is only a couple of inches thick... ...glides along. Those who've done this say that the skater doesn't hear much of this, that it takes some dis...
The Sound of Thin Ice Singing...
Gnarly in Pink...
[http://youtu.be/LpR7Mp6sjY0] (YouTube link)This i... ...ink Helmet Posse” as they shred through the skatepark . They fall, they cry, they get right back up and... ...Sierra, and Relz want to someday be professional skateboarders . Read more about the Pink Helmet Posse at The New...
The Skating King of Pakistan...
Think you're bad ass riding a motorcycle without a helmet? Well, that ain't nothing compared to this: The Skating King of Pakistan who rollerblades behind his motorcycle that he contro...
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