It has always been my habit to give an idea – any idea – a fighting chance to percolate in my mind for a while, letting it have full reign to explore its own possibilities. The flip side of this liberal and u... link) The lyrics are simple, so feel free to sing along. -via Arbroath... Japanese site takes a long time to load the first time you do it, but I opened another tab and did other things while waiting. When it is ready, enter a Twitter ID or keyword and watch the parade! You (or the owne... now, you probably know there’s a Facebook fan page for just about every subject under the sun, even for people who hate that everything has a fan page. Even so, you’ll probably be surprised by just how spe... unnamed artist, a friend of a reddit member, b... ...of a reddit member, buys thrift shop art and adds silly details. I have just the place in my home for a p... you don't know your memes, then you'll have to check out the video of keyboard cat before you see watch this keyboard dog video. For those of you who are internet nerds (like me), who would you vote for, keyboard... rocks are way too old school, but not anymore thanks to ThinkGeek's new USB powered pet rock. The rock with a glued-on USB cord will only run you around $10. Link Via Foolish Gadgets... Totally Absurd Inventions, which lists "America's Goofiest Patents," here is the Gerbil Shirt: The Gerbil Shirt wraps your torso in plastic tube passageways, making your bod a super highway of fun for Bink... Cellania's post of the mysterious man in people's dreams reminded me of my own personal nightmare. Here's the robot that's been haunting my dreams. Have you been dreaming of the same bot?... Magazine has a hilarious post up featuring what they consider to be the 30 dumbest inventions of all time. When you look through the list, filled with things like the shower hat to the right, you actually start to g...